We try to explore trails where-ever we go. These pages include some of the rides and runs we’ve done over the years and may serve as a guide for you when you travel to one of these locations.
Disclaimer: Trail activities are physically demanding and may result in injury due to falls, cuts, bites, burns, over exertion, weather conditions, etc. You should not undertake this activity unless you are in proper physical condition and have the necessary skills, equipment, etc. You assume all the risks, including those not foreseeable, involved in participation in this activity.
Trail ratings assume one is in reasonable physical shape! Moderate easily becomes difficult to strenuous if one is not in shape, and conversely, a harder rating becomes much easier if one exercises a great deal.
These directions were accurate at the time they were recorded. However, trail conditions change, signs are vandalized, droughts cause water sources to dry up, etc. Be prepared for the unexpected.
Trail users can never be over prepared and it is recommended that you always carry water, food, flashlight, rain gear, appropriate clothing, first aid kit, map, compass, and matches. Also recommended are a cell phone, toilet paper, and alcohol wipes.