The 13th RNUTS Race Schedule – Let’s hope for a lucky 13th!

Here is the tentative 2021 Roanoke Non Ultra Trail Series Schedule;

01/09/21 – 12th Frozen Toe 10k

02/27/21 – 17th Annual Explore Your Limits 5k and 10k

03/13/21 – 13th Montvale 5 & 10 Miler – at Montvale Park.

04/03/21 – 13th Mill Mountain Mayhem 10k

05/01/21 – 14th Trail Nut 10k and Half Marathon at Bedford’s Falling Creek Park

05/30/21 – 11th Conquer the Cove 25k and Marathon

We feel confident that the series will be an in person event series.  As restrictions change we’ll try to keep you up to date on the plan.  There is a lot of time between now and January and although events will probably look different, we should still be able to give you the events you’ve grown to love.

Fab 5k Covid-19 related details

We are constantly looking at how to put on the best “live” event for you.  Locally there hasn’t been many events and we want to help deliver a well directed event while considering all the recent changes to group activities and sporting events.

You can find our race approach on the main webpage.  The details are gradually getting ironed out and we are updating the page as we change things.

We look forward to seeing you in a few weeks!